So, here, in no particular order, are the Top 10 lessons learned about hosting a party at the Royal:
10. Lock the door to the port-a-potty
9. Be sure and have a camera ready when Janet starts to jump up on stage to dance
8. With 3 bands within 50 feet of your space, playing 3 different kinds of music, there is no point in even turning on the sound system
7. Lock the door to the port-a-potty
6. Cut Robert off after two dozen ABT's
5. Warn guests about bringing children under 18. Then warn them again.
4. Bring a Taser
3. Make special wristbands for invited guests, and make everyone wanting a rib or a beer to show it!
2. Be ready to barter with the wandering drunks, as they might have something you can use! (or drive)
1. Lock the door to the port-a-potty
Seriously, hope everyone had a great time, thanks for coming down and fighting the crowds. If Andrea ever cuts loose with any of the real photo's, we will get them on here! (hint)
Robert D - Where you at? Did you miss your plane?